
Early Nova Scotians:
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- Cadillac, Antoine De La Mothe (1658-1730):
- Though Cadillac is more well known as the founder of Detroit, Michigan, he did play a role in the history of Acadia. (More)
- Campbell, Colin(1776-1847)
- Lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia, 1834-1840
- Campbell, Lord William (1730-1778)
- Campbell was the governor of Nova Scotia, 1766-73. One of the problems that Campbell inherited when he came to Nova Scotia, in 1766, was that of rampant smuggling. In his fight against it, Campbell was to get on the bad side of the Halifax merchants, and, their connections in London, in particular, Joshua Maugher. In 1773, Campbell accepted the position as the Governor of South Carolina, a position which due to the American Revolution, he did not hold long. (More)
- Canning, George (1770-1827):
- British statesman known for his liberal policies as Foreign Secretary (1807–09, 1822–27) and as Prime Minister for four months during 1827.
"Canning never made a speech without making an enemy for life." [New, Lord Durham, (Oxford University Press, 1929), p. 19.]
- Castin (1689-1720):
- Castin, the French aristocrat with an Indian mother, was one of the most famous woods fighters in the Acadian frontier. (More)
- Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount (1769-1822):
- Castlereagh was an English politician, an examplar of Foreign ministers to all nations for all times, and on how they should conduct negotiations. In March of 1812, when, as foreign secretary under Lord Liverpool, he became the soul of the coalition against Napoleon in 1813-15 ..." (Chambers.) Castlereagh, in August of 1822, the pressures of government being apparently too much for him, committed suicide by slitting his throat with his penknife. Castlereagh had done more than any other diplomat to bring about Napoleon's fall and to establish peace in Europe, but unfortunately he "had identified himself in his last years with the anti-Jacobin domestic policy in its final stage of decay." His death "was hailed by most of his poor fellow-countrymen with revengeful glee, which found voice in the horrible cheers that greeted his coffin as it passed into Westminster Abbey."(Trevelyan, British History in the Nineteenth Century, (London: Longmans & Green, 1924), p. 195.)
- Caulfeild, Thomas (c.1685-1717):
- An English commander at Annapolis Royal, 1711-17. (More)
- Champlain, Samuel (1567-1635):
- The father of Canada. (More)
- Charnisay:
- One of the original founders of Acadia, more commonly known as d'Aulnay.
- Church, Col. Benjamin (1639-1718):
- The fierce messenger of the Puritan God and pillager of Acadia. (More)
- Cobb, Sylvanus (1710-62):
- Cobb, a New Englander, first came to Nova Scotia with the Louisbourg expedition 1745. He was to stay on in Nova Scotia assisting the authorities as the owner and captain of the armed sloop, York. (More)
- Cochrane, Sir Alexander Forrester Inglis: (1758-1832):
- Vice-Admiral Cochrane was the Commander-in-chief of the North American and West Indian Stations for the year 1813. He was the father of Thomas John Cochrane.
At the beginning of the war, c. 1793, Cochrane was appointed to be the captain of the Thetis, of 42 guns and 261 men. "During the spring and summer of 1793, he captured eight French privateers" off the American coast. "In February, 1799, he was appointed to the Ajax, of 80 guns, and sent in the following year upon the expedition against Quiberon, Belleisle, and Ferrol." In 1810, Cochrane was appointed governor and commander-in-chief of Guadaloupe and its dependencies and continued until, in 1814, he was appointed to the command of the fleet on the coast of North America which by then was in its second year of war with the United States. In 1815, the war being then over, Cochrane returned to England where he was raised to the rank of full admiral in 1819. [This information was found on http://www.electricscotland.com/history/other/cochrane_alexander.htm : 10/1/2005 ]
- Cochrane, Sir Thomas John: (b.1789, d. in England in 1872):
- Eldest son of Admiral Sir Alexander Forrester Inglis Cochrane. "During their careers both Thomas John Cochrane and his father excited a great deal of envy and provoked considerable acid comment against themselves. Earl St Vincent [John Jervis] stated that the 'Cochranes are not to be trusted. They are all mad, romantic, money-getting and not truth-telling.' Reputedly Sir Alexander practised nepotism unduly, as when he entered his seven-year-old son on the books of his ship Thetis as a volunteer in 1796 and kept him under his pennant until 1805, when Thomas was promoted lieutenant on Jason. He became its captain in 1806 and saw service on it in the West Indies until 1809. By 1825 Thomas Cochrane had put in 26 years of service in the Royal Navy, including eight years on the North American Station, which were presumed to have been useful experience for his appointment as governor of Newfoundland on 16 April of that year." (DCB)
- Cogswell, Henry Hezekiah: (1776-1854):
- Cogswell was born in Cornwallis Township. He went on to become a lawyer with a practice at Halifax. Moving into politics, he represented the town of Halifax in the legislature from 1818 to 1820. Cogswell was the first president of the Halifax Banking Company, Nova Scotia's first bank. It was incorporated by the merchants of Halifax, led by Samuel Cunard and Enos Collins in 1825. It was also known as Cogswell's Bank. It evolved into one of the major banks of Canada, Imperial Bank of Canada. His other activities included being president of the Albion Fire and Life Insurance Company and of the Annapolis Iron Mining Company. In 1831, Cogswell was named to the province's Council.
- Collier, Sir George (1738-1795):
- Sir George entered the navy in 1751, by 1762 he had made captain. In 1775, he was knighted (presumably because of some great service to the crown, the particulars of which I am not familiar). In 1776, Collier was sent to convoy Hessian troops to New York. In September of 1776, he was sent up to Nova Scotia so to organize its naval defence, and, by all appearances carried this duty out with considerable success. Collier was to remain on the Halifax station until 1778. In 1779 Collier assumed the command of the North American Squadron and acquitted himself quite well during the balance of the war. His post-war career was not very noteworthy. He was in command of the channel fleet for a period of time. He died, where he was born, in London.
- Collier, John (?-1769):
- One of the English Council members at Halifax, who, in 1755, made the fateful decision to deport the Acadians. (More)
- Collins, Enos (1774-1871):
- Born in Liverpool he became a "merchant adventurer" and member of the Council of Nova Scotia. He took to the sea early, being a fisherman, mariner, trader and privateersman; he was constantly working his way up. (More)
- Colvill, Rear-Admiral Alexander (1717-1770):
- Colvill, in his ship the Northumberland was to cruise Nova Scotian waters during the war years, 1755-63. Further, he was responsible for the establishment of the naval dockyards at Halifax. (More)
- Cook, Captain James (1728-79):
- Cook, of course, is best known for his exploits in the Pacific; yet, it was off the coasts of Nova Scotia where he practised his navigational and chart making skills. (More)
- Cope, Jean-Baptiste ( -c.1760):
- "Major Cope" was the Chief of the Micmac tribe at Shubenacadie; thus, he had to have a close connection with Le Loutre. The French governor, Raymond, did not think much of his ally: "a drunkard and a bad lot ... a bad Micmac whose conduct has always been uncertain and suspect to both nations." (DCB.) It was under the direction of Cope that a group of Micmacs (headed by Cope's son, Joseph), under false pretenses, overpowered Captain Bannerman and murdered him and his crew on the 19th of May 1753. (Anthony Casteel was the only crew member to escape, mainly because he spoke French and was thus able to convince the Indians that he was on their side. Thomas Raddall writes of this historical event in his book, Roger Sudden.) Cope died, it is guessed, at Miramichi around 1760.
- Cornwallis, Edward (1713-1776):
- Army officer; colonial administrator; the founder of Halifax, Nova Scotia. (More)
- Cosby, Alexander (1685-1742):
- Cosby was an early 18th c. English officer at Annapolis Royal. (More)
- Costebelle, Phillipe de (1661-1717):
- A French officer at Louisbourg. (More)
- Cotterell, William (?):
- One of the English Council members at Halifax, who, in 1755, made the fateful decision to deport the Acadians. I am afraid that I have been unable to locate much material on Cotterell.
- Couagne, Jean-Baptiste de (1687-1740):
- Couagne was a resident assistant-engineer at Fortress Louisbourg. (More)
- Croke, Sir Alexander (1758-1843):
- Judge of the Admiralty Court at Nova Scotia, 1808-15. (More)
- Cunard, Sir Samuel (1787-1865):
- Cunard was born and lived at Halifax. He lived through the years when the world was transformed due to the application of steam which drove the industrial developments of the age. His principal fame in the western world came about because of his line of steamboats, the first in the world. His involvement in the early development of the Nova Scotian economy, however, extended beyond his steamboats. His commercial interests extended to mining, lumbering and in international trade in products such as tea. (More)
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